Although we can accept artwork in a variety of different formats, our preference is for a print ready PDF. There are several checks that you can make before you export your artwork as a PDF. This will avoid problems later and reduce additional processing charges.
If you are using Adobe Acrobat, then use the Press Quality preset for exporting a PDF. Below are a few changes that you may need to make to the default settings.
General. Export as pages (not spreads).
Compression. Use the default settings.
Marks and Bleeds. Add crop marks and 3mm bleed.
Colour output. For CMYK jobs choose Convert to Destination (Preserve Numbers).
Choose Coated FOGRA39 (ISO 12647-2:2004) as the Destination.
Fonts. Embed all fonts by entering 100% in the subset font box.
Warnings. It will show an exclamation in Summary if there any warning messages.
You can find more information about preparing and supplying artwork in our range of quick guides